Thursday, April 24, 2014

Polymer Clay Ducks

Guess who lied about posting a nail art tutorial... :|

Yup that would be me ._. (I actually did do my nails - I just forgot to do a tutorial for them    -__- ... maybe some other time...)

However - I have a different (but also exciting) tutorial for you today! That's right - today I will teach you how to make adorable clay ducks you can give to friends and family.

Alright let's get started!

You will need:
~ Yellow clay
~ Orange clay
~ Black clay
(that's about it, unless you want to use tools other than your hands ^_^)

I like to use Fimo soft clay for all my clay creations :)

First, you're going to want to get out your yellow clay and split it into two sections, one slightly larger than the other one.

Now roll the smaller one into a ball and make the larger into a slightly oval shape with one side round and the other side a little pointier. Attach the smaller part (the head) to the larger part (the body), and then you have your first part of the duck.

Now make two very small yellow balls for the wings of the duck and slightly roll them out while pinching one end. Make sure you flatten them after you feel like they are a good wing shape.

As you can see, mine are slightly kidney bean shaped. You can make your wings sharper at the ends if you wish.

After that, it's time to get the beak ready so pull out some orange clay and roll it into a ball.

Then make the beak sort of a 3-D u-shape and attach it to the duck's face. Then you can get two small pieces of black clay and attach the eyes.
Now they really look like ducks!
Stick an eye pin into the top of the duck's head and bake that clay!

Now you can glaze your clay and attach a jump ring and make it into a key ring or a cellphone dangler.

These little ducks make perfect gifts for people who appreciate the little things - quite literally. These ducks are so small and cute that no one will be able to resist them.

Thanks for the modeling Starburst! :)
That's the end of this tutorial and I hope I see you again for the next tutorial! See you then~

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Perler Bead Candy Bracelets

Sorry for the really long hiatus! I kind of forgot I had this blog to run as well ^_^ #oops
Anyways, here is the tutorial as promised! Today's tutorial will be on a bracelet I made awhile ago.
Ever have a bunch of perler beads that you never finished using? Well, I did, and I found a tutorial on how to make "candy bracelets" out of your leftover beads. However, the tutorial was in a different language, and I found it hard to understand. That's why I have set up a tutorial today to make your own candy bracelets. 

You will need:
Perler Beads
An oven
Aluminum foil
A tray
Elastic (for the bracelet)
Clear nail polish (to seal the knot)

First, preheat the oven to 400°F (200°C) and arrange the beads onto your tray. Wait about five minutes (and make sure you watch the beads!) and soon they will be melted. One of my favorite parts of this DIY project was simply watching the perler beads become flat! :) Once you they become flat, take them out of the oven, let them cool, and then you can start taking the flattened beads off one by one.

Since most of my beads were cool colors, I decided to make a bracelet using blues and greens. I simply measured the length of elastic cord I needed to fit around my wrist (and a little more for the knot) and slipped the beads on. Here is a photo I took of what the bracelet looks like in the beginning.

After you are finished stringing the beads on, tie the bracelet off and secure the knot with some clear nail polish.

And now you're done! I hope you enjoyed this tutorial and come back next time for (possibly) some nail art! See you then~ (Here is a final picture of Hershey modeling the candy bracelet -- wait -- I don't think that's how you wear it!)